See entire April 25, 2012 newsletter including upcoming radio show guests
(On Fracking & The Return of Agent Orange)
In one of the Harry Potter movies there is a telegram delivered to Ron Weasley (from his Mom) that actually screams at him when he opens it. I admit to wishing that I could incorporate something similar albeit a quieter version to those opening my newsletter – a real attention grabber. It would be my voice imploring you to wake up, take action and take a look at what’s happening to us – while we are sleeping.
First – on fracking. What is it anyway? To frack an oil or gas well, a massive volume of water, sand, and chemicals is injected underground at high pressure to break up rock formations, allowing oil or gas to flow up the well. Emphasis here on MASSIVE. Both before and after I interviewed Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, I went down deep rabbit holes on fracking. I don’t know how to mimic the above referenced “howler” without going overboard with facts – such pesky things those facts can be. So here’s one great link to one of the many articles I read while doing my research on fracking.
Is there a bottom line? Environmental toxins present in fracking fluids can result in nervous system, liver and/or kidney problems, cancer, and birth defects. Research also shows that at least 116 wells produced wastewater with radiation levels that were one hundred times the U.S. EPA’s drinking water standard; at least 15 of those wells had wastewater at more than a thousand times the standard. Repeat: radiation levels! Honestly? I can’t write enough about how awful and disgusting and harmful and egregiously repulsive fracking is. I can only ask you to think. Don’t trust me, do your own research, come to your own conclusions, and then take whatever action you feel inspired to take. But at least be informed so you won’t wake up to find a well being drilled in your own back yard.
The real kicker? Natural Gas companies would like you to think that the mining of natural gas will lower our dependency on foreign oil. At press time, plans are to ship it all to China. Would I even consider making that up?
Second – on Agent Orange. I had to do several double-takes when the emails started coming about this one last week. AGENT ORANGE? You mean the chemical that was banned years ago because it was proven to cause cancer, birth defects, developmental damage? The chemical linked to Parkinson’s and reproductive problems? The one they now call 2,4-D? How could this be? Am I having a HOWLER nightmare? It gets better – Monsanto is teaming up with Dow Chemical to pair it up with Roundup to use on GE Sweet Corn for pest control.
Since I never claim to be a scientist and since I have limited time and resources to research everything I write about to the extent I would like, let me state this: There are some scientists who claim 2,4-D is not toxic, is harmless to humans, and there is nothing to make such a big fuss about. That being said, how can drenching our soil and our waterways with these toxins be a good thing? Do they not end up in our water supply? Do they not end up poisoning our soil? Do I want to eat something that I know was drenched with Roundup and is a first cousin of Agent Orange? I think I will pass on this one and recommit to buying as much organic, locally owned food as the budget permits. Call me crazy but I think my life depends on it.
Ready for Good Green News?
Please don’t ever wonder about my crossing over to the dark side. There is always something to celebrate in Mrs. Green’s World. And we have LOTS to celebrate and share with you.
Good news item #1 – We are partnering with Miraval Resort and Spa by hosting a fun and EXCITING contest starting May 1st. I don’t want to give away too many details but for seven weeks you will be asked to answer a simple question about Miraval. Those who answer correctly will be selected to win the first ever Miraval outrageously wonderful cookbook: Mindful Eating. One winner will be selected and announced each week. It gets better. Anyone, I repeat, anyone who submits the correct answer to the question each week will be eligible to win the grand prize: a TWO night, three day stay at Heaven on Earth – Miraval. The bad news? Mrs. Green team members and family members are not eligible to enter. I think they call that ethical. Stay tuned for exciting details starting May 1st.
Good news item #2 – We are so very proud to announce a new Mrs. Green Partner. Discount Cab has become a part of the wonderful businesses supporting the vision and mission of Mrs. Green’s World. Discount Cab, a division of Total Transit, is a family-owned business that started out with only two taxis in 1984. Craig and Christine Hughes had a goal to provide residents in Phoenix with a high-quality taxi service at a low price. Fast forward to 2012: They now have over 500 vehicles, locations in Tucson and Phoenix with plans to expand outside of Arizona, and have committed to green practices on so many levels it would take another newsletter to cover it all. Hybrids? Yes – been rolling out the Prius taxis since 2008. Green facilities? Yup. Green building? Activated 400 solar panels on their Glendale facility. Safe? They win awards for safety. On-time? They win awards for that too. Our thanks to Mike Wall, General Manager of Southern Arizona, for your support!
Good news item #3 – Are you ready for this one? We are going to be partnering with our dear friends Golden Eagle Distributors as part of Budweiser’s Grow One, Save a Million campaign in support of World Environment Day on June 5th. The focus? Saving water. The fun? Men not shaving for one month – thus the Grow One, Save a Million message. Lovers of beards and the earth – ready to stand behind this one? Women – ready to encourage the men in your life to participate? We hope so. And we hope you will stay tuned for details. In terms of commitment to ever-emerging sustainability, award winning leaders in sustainable practices AND locally-owned, they really don’t get any better than Golden Eagle Distributors. And, yes, I will drink to that – responsibly of course.
See entire April 25, 2012 newsletter including upcoming radio show guests