See entire July 4, 2012 newsletter including upcoming radio show guests
(Okay, so two of them are true)
Mrs. Green request: I tried to make this newsletter short because it’s summer and hot almost everywhere and people are cranky. All things considered, I still ask that you read (or at least scan) the whole thing because there are really some great things going on in Mrs. Green’s World and I am eager to share. Okay, here goes…
“The truth? You can’t handle the truth!” That’s a famous quote by Jack Nicholson in the movie A Few Good Men. It kept popping into my brain as I prepared to write this newsletter, and I figured out why.
The truth is this newsletter is coming out on July 4th. People are on vacation, enjoying summer, traveling, and I am going out on a limb here, but probably hundreds of you will NOT be sitting by the computer waiting for Mrs. Green’s newsletter. The truth is I can handle that because I know it’s NOT about me (how sad, right?) and by the time it arrives, I will be on a short vacation to recharge my own batteries. And the truth is this newsletter should be short, green, and to the point.
Short summer reminders:
On sunscreen – it really matters that you wear it as far as I am concerned and it REALLY matters that you know what’s in your sunscreen. Have kids? Grandkids? Even more important because it’s our job to protect them. Please, please, please take the time to do a little research and find out what’s in your sunscreen. The easiest place to check is the Environmental Working Group’s 2012 Sunscreen Guide. If you are lucky enough to be sitting on the beach somewhere and checking your iPhone or Droid, click through to see what is in YOUR sunscreen. Your reaction could be utterly delightful or you might read it and weep.
On traveling – I don’t know about you but road trips and travel have been synonymous with eating really bad junk food for me and my family. Fritos, Cheetos, candy of all kind, soda, things we NEVER have at home nor would we think about eating on any given day. But road trip? Bring it on! Except for an occasional moral lapse, I just can’t do that anymore. I have found the key to making better choices is, of course, all in the preparation. Mr. and Mrs. Green will be on a road trip to San Diego as this goes live and I am already preparing. I have my organic, fair trade dark chocolate stash, my healthy drinks, my organic tomatoes from the Farmers Market, and my almonds ready to go. Truth be told, some of the fast food chains are attempting to offer some better choices but having your own good stuff will help to lead you not into temptation!
On continuing our green education – I know that I have made lots of progress these past four years on this journey into greendom. But there are miles to go before I sleep. So did you think I was going to let you sleep? Of course not. Take the summer time and possible slower pace (???) to learn more about a topic of interest to you. Whether it is about solar energy or rainwater harvesting or fracking or why it really IS important to support locally owned businesses (other than making you a great human being). Just pick something new to keep your brain working and the momentum going in the greener direction. Here’s one – want to REALLY know about meats and the confusing labels and what meat can you eat to assuage your guilt? Again – EWG makes it easy. If Ken Cook reads this (in my dreams, right?) I hope he gets the great exposure I am giving EWG here. Check it out. Enough already!
Great, Green News – Seriously
How could I not be jumping up and down and clicking my green heels together as I joyously announce our very first out of state, international partner? It gets better. They are based in New Jersey, and I am a Jersey girl! AND their name is Ecco Bella (Behold, Beautiful!) AND, they found us! As loyal and true as I am to VerVe where they always make it a great day for my hair, feet, and hands, and respond to my last minute pleas to fit me in because of a last minute photo op, pretty much every woman I know likes some choices when it comes to personal products. I am no exception. Ecco Bella’s founder, Sally Malanga, is an early adopter of the legend making kind, has active oversight in every aspect of the business and is on a mission to put healthy things on our bodies. The beauty products are free of water, gluten, dyes, GMO’s, slaughterhouse products, and preservatives. You might want to read that sentence twice. Here’s one product that thrilled me and I so mean it: they have a citrus ecco room mist that makes the room smell like someone just peeled an orange. Ecco Mists contain essential oils, emulsifier and water. Nothing else. I love that! Reading about them could be your summer continuing education choice. I also know that many of you will love their active role in protecting the four leggeds, and I mean very active role. Welcome, Ecco Bella. I’m proud to help spread the word about your products and your mission.
See entire July 4, 2012 newsletter including upcoming radio show guests