Olivia and Carter Ries, One More Generation – aired on 10.4.14
Kids do care about the future. Here’s proof. One More Generation (OMG) was founded by two elementary students in Fayetteville, GA. Carter (now 13) and his sister Olivia (now 11.5) are extremely passionate about animals and conservation and vowed to do something about it. Their pet project? They have been adopting Cheetahs in South Africa over the past few years – ever since they heard that Cheetahs, along with so many other species were close to extinction, they knew they had to act. So, of course, they started a totally independent nonprofit, and started educating other kids in every way you can imagine. Carter and Olivia have received a prestigious award from Captain Planet. And yes, I repeat, neither is old enough to drive. Don’t you want to join me? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.