What’s Green About This Workplace?
“In 2008, GLHN created GLHNgreen, a proactive initiative to support and promote all aspects of the firm’s environmentally-responsible office efforts and sustainable design practices. GLHNgreen focuses on five areas: reduction of the firm’s carbon footprint, office practices (in-house recycling, material reuse, etc.), professional practices (client-oriented efforts to include paperless document review and communication technologies), sustainable/LEED design, and staff education. Toward these efforts, GLHN has registered its own office building for LEED-EB Certification (LEED for Existing Buildings) with a goal of obtaining LEED-EB Silver in 2010 — as of August 2010, it is the only LEED-EB registered project in Southern Arizona. Our recent building renovation and LEED-EB certification process are a learn-by-doing exercise, involving the volunteer efforts of junior engineers and designers, guided by the mentoring of senior staff. The project has served as an invaluable “learning lab” and has been extremely successful in fostering collaboration between in-house teams and providing junior staff with hands-on experience with LEED guidelines, systems monitoring, and all phases of the certification process.
Established in 1963, GLHN Architects & Engineers, Inc. is an employee-owned firm in Tucson offering integrated, multi-discipline services in architecture and mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering. GLHN has a staff of 70 full-time employees, including LEED Accredited Professionals in all four disciplines, Registered Communications Distribution Designers, Certified Energy Managers, Energy Reduction Analysts, Certified Commissioning Agents, a Fire Protection Engineer, personnel Certified in Plumbing Engineering, and Lighting Certified staff.”