As a total, self-proclaimed wildlife nut, known to spend ridiculous amounts of time looking for all critters large and small when I am on vacation anywhere with mountains, I was pretty excited to learn that I was being sent a copy of David Mizejewski’s (David is a Naturalist with the The National Wildlife Federation) book Attracting Birds, Butterflies and Other Backyard Wildlife. I did my version of the happy dance. BACKYARD WILDLIFE? Pray tell.
Local Ecosystems Wanted
To my utter delight, David’s book was all about how to create local ecosystems using beautiful native plants on which our birds, bees, butterflies and other critters depend. In SIX chapters total, the book lays out, in lay person’s terms, how to get started and then goes on to describe the four habitat components needed to provide a wildlife habitat garden: food, water, cover and places to raise young. He brings it all together in the last chapter explaining why maintaining that habit is just as important. In his words, if you plant a wildlife habitat garden but continue to spray pesticides, plant invasive non-native plants, or waste water, you undo much of the benefit to wildlife.
What’s In the Book?
The book is filled with breath taking pictures and some of the simplest, DIY projects for the gardener that I believe lives somewhere in all of us, including how to make wildlife energy muffins (could I make that up?) how to make pinecone feeders, a recipe called “Bagels for the Birds” and one of my favorites: a family project on how to create an amphibian house!
Perhaps my favorite part? I found out that anyone can create a wildlife habitat garden with native plants and become recognized as a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation, complete with a sign for the yard stating just that!
Mrs. Green obviously gives David’s book two green thumbs up! You are one click away from owning your own copy.
Want to learn more? Listen to Mrs. Green’s conversation with David on our podcast: The Butterfly Effect: Creating Garden Magic
From about the age of five, Gina has been on the path of being a disruptor for good. A dreamer at heart, Gina is madly and passionately in love with this great planet of ours and is tireless in her efforts to preserve it.