Back to school time! Can it REALLY be here already?  School supplies shopping with your kids can be challenging, so make it as fun & as green as you can!

Think of the millions of dollars people will be spending across the country in the next few weeks and what a HUGE difference we can make by making eco-friendly choices. First of all — RE-USE. Look around and see what supplies and items can be used from last year. It is such a good message to send to your kids & research shows most kids don’t mind it at all.

And when shopping for new “stuff”, there are so many cool “green” choices — from pens to paper and folders. BUT BEWARE OF GREEN WASHING. Not everything that says it’s green will actually be green.  Your Children are worth paying attention to the items you’re purchasing. Check out and search for green back-to-school shopping for tips.

Other than that:  shop locally owned when you can and shop second hands stores — especially for things like back packs. Not only is it a good way of re-using, but you can save some money, too. You cannot believe the great treasures I find in Goodwill Industries and then in turn, what they use the money for!