Short answer? They have to.
Backstory: Albe Zakes from TerraCycle contacted me the other day. He was a show guest on Mrs. Green a long time ago. The TerraCycle story is a great one – young minds creating something from worm poop and making a successful business out it. He wanted me to help spread the word that that Walmart was going to carry 60 of their products. Big news indeed and the topic of another blog.
It made me take the time to really think about the corporate giant that lots of people love to hate vs. the small business owners who are the backbone of our country – thus the term I stole from Michael Shuman – the Small Marts of the world. Can they coexist?
In my mind they absolutely have to. Unless Walmart, the biggest purchaser of manufactured goods in the WORLD, gets behind sustainable, organic, recycled products, the price points will remain out of reach for the masses. I want children to eat certified organic yogurt. Walmart has made that possible. I want to buy grass fed beef and free range or cruelty free raised chickens. If Walmart says yes, I can.
What I hope we can achieve is a balance. Dine out locally whenever possible. Support your small business owner in every way you can each and every day. And give Walmart the praise it deserves for showing -casing a company like TerraCycle – the little engine that could.
And for making certified organic yogurt an affordable choice for families trying to do the right thing on a really tight budget.
To a better, more sustainable world & to authentic green partnerships.