Sue Cotty, Pima Association of Governments & Beth Gorman, Pima County Department of Environmental Quality
Clean Air Starts with Me! Our June 11 program features Sue Cotty, Pima Association of Governments, and Beth Gorman, Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. Clean air really does start with me and you and every resident in Pima County. What can we do? How can we help? Join us for this informative show with two great, well-informed guests from two local agencies working together for the health of our community and the planet.
Pima Association of Governments and the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality are continuing the Clean Air Starts With Me outreach program this summer to help all of us understand what causes air pollution and how we can be responsible in our own lives to keep our air clean for future generations. For more information, visit or the “PimaCleanAir” facebook page.