My friend John (from the Southern Arizona Green Chamber of Commerce) turned me on to a great daily publication: SmartBrief On Sustainability. Lots of good, green stuff.
But, alas! The green conundrum continues. On 3/10/10, I read the following:
A new generation of vending machines is ditching hydrofluorocarbons — potent greenhouse gases long used as refrigerants — in favor of cleaner options such as propane, ammonia and carbon dioxide. Some big companies have already switched to hydrocarbon-cooled vending machines, and General Electric is at work on a home-use refrigerator that uses similar technology. “The proof that natural refrigerants work is our grandparents had refrigerators charged with ammonia, propane and carbon dioxide,” says Greenpeace research director Kert Davies…….
On the one hand, progress for cutting down on hydrofluorocarbons. On the other hand, it’s Coke! Not an eco-friendly thing to say about it, no nutritional value and full of sugar. Think about it and maybe even dream a world where we are not drinking coke out of machines but rather going to water refilling stations. Let’s dream together! (and this from a recovering diet coke addict)
To our health…