Have I ever said I love being Mrs. Green? Ha! One of my favorite dailies is called Ideal Bite. It’s fun, funny, content rich and full of great ideas. So since imitation is the highest form of flattery, I am going to share with you their tip on recycling toilet paper tubes (which I have never done and am going to start with the current roll!)
Ideal Bite reported that a family of four uses about 240 rolls per year – lots of tubes and lots of landfill space. To help you start another great, green habit, they recommend either putting a separate basket next to the waste basket in the bathroom or (and quite clever) if you keep a plunger in the BR, stack them up until they reach the top of the handle and take them to your recycling bin. Now how easy is that?
The impact? If 10,000 people recycled all their toilet paper tubes, we would avert the weight of 678 TOILETS from ending up in the landfill.
And for a useful little tip: they make great holders for all sorts of cords. Store unused extension cords or keep extra long appliance cords shortened to a manageable length.
Every little tube counts…