Side view pretty beaming kid and happy mom making choice of fennel in supermarket

Zen HoneycuttAllergies, autism, autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are undeniably on the rise in our country. There are millions of us, including thousands of medical professionals, who believe that so much of what’s causing this phenomenon is the sheer number of chemicals we are exposed to daily. Enter Moms Across America. Their mission is to raise awareness about toxic exposure, empower leadership, and create healthy communities. Join me to hear about who they are and how they are spreading their message of caring about families and community. They are passionate about educating all of us on topics such as avoiding GMOs/toxic pesticides and how to improve the health of our communities. Moms committed to a better, healthier future for their kids? Unstoppable indeed.




  • 1 in every 2 children in America have chronic illness today – join us to learn how health issues propelled Zen into leading Moms Across America.
  • The mission of Moms Across America is to educate and inspire moms and others to transform the food industry and environment to create healthy communities together.
  • What do we mean by genetically modified food (GMOs) – how and when did they come on the scene and start causing problems in our health? Great clarity shared on this podcast – join us.
  • Important information shared on herbicide and pesticides – our greatest exposure to environmental toxins is through our food supply.
  • How do we come into contact with toxins through our body products, clothing, household products? Start detoxing your life today!
  • Moms are taking action through Moms Across America because problems are presented with solutions – how can we take action to solve this?
  • Zen shared her thoughts about the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Clean Fifteen and their Dirty Dozen– listen to learn more.
  • You can take action today to be a part of creating healthy communities with Moms Across America and Mrs. Green’s World – this podcast ends with important actions you can take today!



Music used in this podcast is copyrighted and licensed through Turtle Island Records/Libby Roderick Music