- Professor Obiora provides the history of how she came upon the work of BRAC and how a 2003 trip to Bangladesh changed her entire life.
- BRAC continues to be ranked as the top global NGO – learn more here
- What impressed Professor Obiora the most about BRAC? She was most impressed with the leadership and the fact that the world’s top ranked NGO is located in Bangladesh teaches us all a lot about how we see the world – the fact that the people of Bangladesh are poor does not mean they do not know what to do with their lives. It is their condition that puts them in an awkward position – if we can alleviate their condition, opportunities abound.
- The essence of BRAC is to get people out of poverty – not help them survive it.
- Research has shown that the best investment one can make, from the perspective of creating healthy economic growth, is to invest in women.
- How did Amit Sarker come to join the work of BRAC? Discovering himself in his work made all the difference – this is a story to hear, which we can all apply to our personal life journey. Creating a purpose driven life – doing the good work for humanity.
- How does Amit remain in possibility and not in despair – knowing all that he knows about Bangladesh? Be inspired by true resiliency – Amit shares his insight on this podcast.
- When Amit started visiting the individuals in southern Arizona that want to work with BRAC, he found the issues they were facing were the same as those that he was working with in Bangladesh.
- Latino women – without capital, start 52% of all new businesses in Arizona. What does that mean to building sustainable, healthy, local economies?
- There are lives behind the phrase “social enterprise” – get a small glimpse of those lives on this podcast.
- The future is bright for this program and the team is working diligently to support the entrepreneurs in southern Arizona – building their future and providing light for a vibrant local economy, which is a key to creating a sustainable planet.
- Learn more about the Agnes Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice
- Engage with the work of BRAC by visiting their website and joining the conversation on Facebook and Twitter
- Learn more about the great work of the YWCA Southern Arizona by visiting their website and joining them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Learn more about the work of the Women’s Business Center (WBC)
- Get involved with the work BRAC is doing globally – learn more here
- Listen to the podcasts mentioned by Mrs. Green during this show: Project Drawdown and Natural Disasters and the Global Housing Crisis