Maria Rodale is not only an activist in the world of healthy eating, she is a businesswoman who has made promoting the benefits of an organic lifestyle both her personal mission and her business. A bit of background from my research: Maria has pretty much done it all at the Rodale Institute and continues to lead the way. She joined the business in 1987, first working in circulation and direct marketing and eventually leading Rodale’s in-house direct marketing agency. In 1998, she served as director of strategy, where she led the strategic review, planning processes, and management changes that refocused the company on publishing healthy, active lifestyles information. She also led the company’s Organic Living division, Rodale’s first integrated brand division, where she was Editor-in-Chief of Organic Gardening and oversaw all of Rodale’s gardening books. She joined the Rodale board in 1991 and was elected Chairman in 2007. I have lots of questions about the magnitude, scope and impact the Rodale Institute has had and continues to have as leaders in the world of organic food – especially with this amazing woman at the helm. This show made possible due to the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.