When Jessica and her husband, Adam, founded Synchronicity Earth, they wanted to look at the whole conservation landscape, make sense of it, and spread the word so that ultimately they can ramp up funding for excellent projects. They believe that without a healthy biosphere, we all lose the possibility of peace, security, health and prosperity for all. They also believe that unless we change course, we will soon accelerate the 6th Mass Extinction, the first caused by humans. And they want to be a part of what needs to happen so that we can ensure that we pass on a planet worth inhabiting for future generations.  But it’s the “how” they go about doing this that intrigues me. Their rigorous research identifies effective people and organizations globally tackling the most urgent environmental problems. Then their team works alongside and bolsters them so that, together, they can protect Earth’s at-risk species, peoples and habitats, and regenerate damaged ecosystems. Jessica is a visionary, an inspirational thought leader and a force. I hope you will join us for a conversation about hope, possibility and change. This show made possible due to the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.



  • What is Synchronicity Earth? It is a non-profit organization that focuses on the importance of biodiversity and the issues that surround biodiversity loss and looks at those issues holistically to better understand what strategies can effectively tackle them. Their dedicated team identifies the gaps through in-depth research and analysis on a number of important themes in global conservation.
  • What is biodiversity? The variety of all living organisms including ecosystems, plants, animals, their habitats and genes.
  • Why does biodiversity matter? Our planet and everything that lives on it is intricately connected, from the conditions of our oceans, to the health of forests across the world. Everything in one place has an effect on another place. It plays a major role in climate change mitigation and determines the health of every ecosystem on the planet. Our society depends on healthy ecosystems to function.
  • Social justice issues cannot be understood completely without considering the physical environment that plays a role in those issues. People are deeply tied to nature!
  • When considering problems like extreme drought and how it influences food insecurity in places like Africa, it’s important to dig deeper into the cause of these issues. Are communities in Africa more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change because they are already suffering from socioeconomic inequalities perpetuated by rich countries? We need to look at the root of these problems, not the symptoms.
  • And how does the palm oil in our cheap processed foods relate to the tropical forests? Find out on this podcast.


  • Check out Synchronicity Earth’s website
  • Learn more about the amazing work they’re doing here
  • Subscribe to Synchronicity Earth’s YouTube channel
  • Follow Synchronicity Earth on Twitter
  • Find Synchronicity Earth on Facebook


  • Read more about the state of our ocean’s here
  • Learn more about how the ecosystem effects of biodiversity loss could worsen climate change here
  • Learn what you can do to help protect biodiversity here