Millions of Christmas trees will be dumped in the landfill, left in alley ways, dropped off randomly in the desert. Will yours be one of them? After you hear this show, we certainly hope not. Cristina will share with us why you should recycle your Christmas tree, where the many locations for drop off are throughout the City of Tucson and what you need to do to get your tree “recycle ready.” And not to be forgotten? What does the City do to further recycle when you recycle your tree? You will love the answer and you might want to participate in getting some “leftovers.” Jason will bring more good news to the conversation when he tells us about the incentive being offered by The Fairfax Companies for every tree that is brought to his location. Tree cycle moved their collection site from Udall Park and The Fairfax Companies have agree to be the city’s collection site, taking clean Christmas trees free of charge. The trees will be recycled back into the composting operation. Talk about a win/win! Please join us.
- 25% more waste is generated, per household, during the holiday season – that is about a million extra tons of trash each year!
- Anywhere from 25 to 30 million Christmas trees are purchased each year – and real trees are so much better for the planet than artificial trees!
- TreeCycle has been around the Tucson community for 20 years now!
- Learn more about Tucson’s Brush and Bulky program – 85% of the city’s customers utilize this program and Tank’s Green Stuff has an agreement with the city to take the brush for recycling.
- The Fairfax Companies is the parent company for all of Tank’s Green Stuff services – the number of products they recycle and then what they produce, from those recycling efforts, is amazing! Listen to this podcast to learn more!
- If you bring a clean Christmas tree to the Fairfax drop off site, you will receive a bag of Tank’s Green Stuff Organic Compost. If you bring a clean Christmas tree to a TreeCycle drop off site, you can get free tree mulch for your yard.
- Get all the details you need about the 2018 TreeCycle program and get ready to make a difference for the planet and our community!
- Learn more about the City of Tucson Environmental Services and join them on the city’s Facebook and Twitter…you can find Environmental Services at Do More Blue and on Facebook.
- Find out everything you want to know about Tank’s Green Stuff and join them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
- How can you improve your recycling efforts at home? Check out this USA Today article.
- Check out the video of Jason being covered in compost – so fun!
Download the City of Tucson app: My Waste