I was inspired to take immediate action when I received this media release from Judy Rich, CEO and President, TMC HealthCare TMC. I was struck by the word “implores” that Judy uses when asking elected officials to mandate masking. This is a person I know, respect, trust and who is in the eye of the COVID-19 storm every single day as the person providing leadership to many as the CEO of TMC Healthcare. I hope you will read it and take immediate action by either sharing this post, calling your elected officials and making sure you wear a mask or by doing all three! We can be a part of advocating for a solution that has the potential to save thousands of lives.
“To stop the spread of COVID-19, Judy Rich, CEO and President of TMCHealthCare, along with the medical leadership implore Southern Arizona local elected officials to immediately pass legislation that requires people wear face masks while in public places.
What we know now that we didn’t know at the onset of this pandemic is just how critical masking is to flattening the curve and saving lives. Recent studies have shown that the use of face coverings reduces transmission of the COVID-19 virus by at least 50%. We have seen first-hand that since the reopening of of our state, too many of our community members are either not observing social distancing or ignoring the need to wear a face mask. This is resulting in our local hospitals having to deal with a devastating surge in cases and critical care. This will only get worse if we don’t act now.
Contrary to what some believe, the urgency behind mandating universal masking is not a political position. It is a human-interest stance coming from the medical professionals on the front lines of this pandemic. We are leading the charge with one agenda – to stop this virus. It’s time to come together as a community so we can protect each other and those most vulnerable. Many people have expressed the desire to do something to help. This is what they can do. Wear a mask. It is a very effective weapon in this war against an invisible enemy. It is a simple act that can do so much. We ask that our local leaders join us in helping to save lives now.”
This is what leadership looks like from someone on the front line.
A note about TMC: Tucson Medical Center has been Tucson’s locally governed nonprofit hospital for more than 75 years. TMC is Southern Arizona’s leading provider for emergency care and pediatric care as well as specialty areas including women’s, maternity, cardiac care, orthopedic, neuroscience, hospice, surgical, vascular, geropsychiatric care and senior services.