When my newsletter about the oil spill came out yesterday, I received a very thoughtful & respectful reminder that I had missed an opporunity and indeed I had.
Phillip Greene, author of the book Running on Empty reminded me of what is ostensibly THE single most important lesson we have the opportunity to learn from this: new energy policy. If, as a nation, we do not take from this that we need to makes changes that are more sustainable to us as a country, all will have been for naught. What a price we will have paid.
Phillip’s comments are below. I encourage you to visit his website at www.runningonempty.com . It is a handbook for understanding and surviving the energy crisis. I daresay Mr. Greene’s message has never been more important relative to the current crisis and to what we can do to understand and therefore change things. Thank you, Phillip!
“I was surprised that you didn’t take advantage in your article on the spill to make s plea for a new energy policy which takes every advantage of non-fossil fuel alternatives. President Obama, in his speech Thursday, did refer to this, for which I was thankful.
We have to come to the realization that “drill, baby, drill” is not our best alternative and that oil will become more and more expensive over time because we have depleted the easily acessed deposits. We can’t afford the cost of more disasters.
Phillip J Greene, Author
Member, Southern Arizona Green Chamber of Commerce
Clean, Renewable, Energy=No Pollution