Mike Urquhart
Wellness Instructor, Tucson Medical Center
I’ll be talking with Mike about American Heart Month and how we can use this month to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it — both at home and in the community. Mike will share the importance of exercise for heart health long-term wellness, and things we can do every day to create heart healthy habits. We’ll also take a look into the workings of the Cardiac Rehab department, and find out where we can go to learn about heart health at TMC. There is no shortage of opportunity for hearth healthy exercise at TMC and Mike will give us a snapshot of the many programs available at both the main campus and The Core at La Encantada. Learn how you can join the growing number of “Meet Me at Maynards” participants who walk/run 2 miles every Monday and “Meet Me Wednesdays” free weekly walk, run, stretch, strengthen and more at St. Philip’s Plaza. You won’t want to miss this inspiring heart to (HEALTHY) heart! This show made possible due to the generous support of Tucson Medical Center.